Circumspection Correction — #ThingADay 1/31

Circumspection Correction — #ThingADay 1/31
Image by Geralt

As someone who likes to write, I find myself not doing it as often as I like. It always needs to be “perfect.” However with anything, the less you do something, the less you are able to improve.

This is why I was thrilled when I saw a tweet from Jonathan Mann, a musician known for writing a song a day since January 1, 2009 among other accomplishments. He shared that his SongADAO was doing a “Thing a Day” challenge in March where those that participate were to make something every day in March.

In an effort to not overthink it, I signed up and the following is the first poem for the #ThingADay Challenge:

Don’t long for perfection,
it only needs to be.

A facade of circumspection
must be destroyed by the key —

a realization that an attempt braved is a soul saved.